Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fifty Days of Harvest 2010 by Victor Choudrie

Fifty Days of Harvest 2010

From the Passover 30th March to 19th May Pentecost

Pray for a million souls

Sequential Steps for Precipitating a Mass Movement:

1. Repent for the remission of sins. Acts 2:38,39; 17:30; Luke 24:47

2. Be baptized and become a baptizer. Matthew 28:19

3. Receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for you and your household. Acts 2:39; 1:8

4. Remember in the New Testament, repentance, baptism and empowerment happened simultaneously without delay. Baptism in not earned, it is a free gift of God.

5. Apostolic teaching (Global Mission: Go and make disciples of all nations). Acts 2:42

6. Fellowship. Church is a fellowship of Royal priests. Hebrew 10:25;
7. Breaking bread (Love feast). Luke 10:5-8; Acts 20:7; Revelation 3:20

8. Demolish strongholds through spiritual warfare, prayer walking and intercessory prayers for the nations. 1John 3:8; Matthew 12:29; 16:19; 2Timothy 2:8; 1 Timothy 2:1-4

9. Unity “of one accord” will bring fear of the Lord on the people Acts 2:43

10. Preach through signs, wonders and miracles. Luke 10:9; Acts 2:22; Romans 15:19

11. Sharing of material blessing with the needy. Acts 2:44,45; 4:34-37; John 13:34,35

12. Going out two by two to look for the lost sheep. Acts 2:46; Luke 10:1,2

13. Finding “persons of peace”; breaking bread and sharing the whole counsel of God from house to house. Luke 10:5-9; Acts 2:46; 20:27

14. And the Lord adding new believers to the church daily. Acts 2:47; Hebrew 3:13

15. Multiply disciples who make fruitful disciples by teaching foundational teachings. Acts 6:1; John15:8,16; Hebrew 6:1-3,7

16. Entry of priests (big fish) will make the growth exponential. Acts 6:7; John 21:11

17. Cultural contextualization will result in qualitative and quantitative growth and rapid multiplication. Acts 16:1-5; 17:23,28; 18:18

18. Appoint elders with integrity, good managers of households, given to hospitality and can teach doctrine with competency to refute those of other faiths who contradict. Titus 1:5-9; Acts 14:23

19. Teach them proper use of instruments of dynamic worship (Genesis 22:5-7): A. Scripture, the double edged sword including their scriptures as God has not left Himself without evidence among them (Acts 14:16,17; 15:14); B. The Fire which is the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11) and C. The Lost sheep as a living sacrifice (John 10:16; Romans 15:16; 2Peter 2:5,6).

20. Mentor, mobilize and monitor multiple generations of disciples for a mass movement.
2Timothy 2:2; Acts 14:26,27

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